Business & Career Mentoring
Mastering the challenges high performers meet as they implement change and develop their careers and lives.
Face-to-face or online, our 121 coaching and mentoring provides a secure environment for discussion and advice from a positive business psychologist with personal experience in the C-suite and advising world top 20 sports professionals.
CEO Mentoring
Graham Keen works with a small number of chief executives, providing an experienced sounding board and confidential advice on subjects including organisational development, strategy, leadership, shareholder relations and corporate finance.
Transition Mentoring
Partnering senior executives as they learn how to succeed with promotion or role change, for example from manager to director.
Accelerator Mentoring
Our sales, leadership and cultural accelerator programmes include monthly 121 mentoring sessions to support delegates in the practical application of what they have learned. These sessions deepen and complete delegates’ understanding and sustained adoption of the techniques and disciplines for delivering programme objectives.
Executive Coaching and Mentoring
Providing support to senior executives in everything from executing their role, to quality of life & wellbeing, to career &/or personal development.
Sports Psychology
Graham Keen has worked with household-name international professionals in golf, snooker, and motorsport, helping them master the mental aspect of their sport, the key differentiator.
How will it run?
Graham Keen Psychology
Lower Gate Farm, Twiston Lane, Twiston, Ribble Valley
07771 667616
GKP Denmark
Højdevej 3
3400 Hillerød
+45 40165131